roz white 19th April 2018

Shane it is such a beautiful day , the sun is shining the Bluebells are popping up all around the garden , the frog pond is full of spawn we already have some tadpoles ,everything you loved the koi are really big that you put in the pond. I miss you not being here to enjoy it with us boy i so do .tonight is the anniversary of laying you to rest in your beautiful pool how you loved it there . That night the weather was lovely , as i left the woods i didn't know what to do where I was going i just wanted to run away and keep on running and pretend none of this was happening it still makes me cry one year 6years or the rest of my life however long that may be my heart will always b e deeply sad . Later charmaine will have some happy news for you , you will be thrilled .love as always xx mum xx