This month number 6 baby has arrived Shane , another little great nephew for you , Adam James , he belongs to Luke and Hannah , of course Luke guessed his weight when he was born , he was only 1 oz out , 8 lb 1 oz , he is absolutely beautifully , little blondie , like you were , except he's got loads of hair, you were the only blonde baby in the hospital when you were born . Never ever any doubt you belonged to me .You would love them all , and I know they would be all leaping over you fighting , you wouldn't want to wrestle with Luke now , he's solid as a rock , but is just like you , wears his heart on his sleeve , so caring , you would be so proud of them all , just like I am , we all miss you Shane , every gathering , every picture taken , we don't need to say , but we all know , the hole you left in our lives , will never go away , each one of us , need you in different ways , Jade now especially she's gone back to college doing her Maths and English , her aim is to be a midwife , she will make a wonderful one . Missing you so much boy 😘 love you 💕 xx mum xx