roz white 23rd December 2017

We did the rounds this morning Shane, Charmaine ,Evette and me , we went to the cemeteries you were first ,then dad and up to St .Nectans for mum there were snowdrops out at dads to early for sure , not spring yet . After we went back to Lostwithiel Church it is looking beautiful they have really done the church proud it is decorated with numerous Christmas trees for charity all lit up . I sat in the pews and there was carols playing , I could have sat there for hours , it was emotional knowing how much you would love it , and the memories it brought back , you and Charmaine were christened there , never ever would I believe I had to say our farewells to you in that church boy , I can never recover from that . I miss you every bit as much now and more than that awful day . love as always Shane xx mum xx