roz white 10th May 2015

Alright boy you are missing so much ,you would have loved watching all the celebrations going on in remembrance of V.E day, how proud you were of granddad Rowe being one of Monty's desert rats and how he fought for the country, to help make the world a better place. I picked a lovely bunch of bluebells out of the garden today and put beside your picture I've got quite a display coming on now boy. Then in turning out some drawers yesterday I found a postcard from you and Emma from Australia how lovely it was just to see your handwriting and telling me how much you were doing and how much fun you were having right down to the hot air balloon ride and champagne breakfast it was as if It had just dropped through the letter box, how I wish it was boy you would still be with us . It isn't getting any easier Shane I will grieve for you the rest of my life, you can't stick a heart broken in so many pieces back together without the cracks showing somewhere. love you miss you so very much xx mum xx