roz white 6th March 2015

Well Shane this month is so hard ,we miss you so very much,Evette and Russ are moving into the bungalow this month you found it for sale and it was the last place she saw you. You picked me up and took me to meet them there for a look around , I can still hear you asking me now which room you used to sleep in as a baby when we used to stay with Tom and Di, what I would give to have that time back boy,the bungalow holds so many memories for us all.I wish Evette and Russ so much happiness there it will be so good for her boy she's going home like you she loves Lostwithiel. We are all looking forward to her being there means we will be spending much more time up the river , will be lovely to walk around the shops down the park get fish and chips for tea or maybe just have a meal in one of the pubs ,or a beer on carnival week. What ever we do you will always be part of us Shane love you xx mum xx