charmaine white 16th November 2013

Oh Shane its 12.30 A.M cant sleep thinking about you boy I miss you so much , it is such a beautiful night like daylight with the moon and the stars out. All ican think is that you and the boys would be having so much fun out chasing rabbits with Glynn , Luke was here last night after college had a plate of stew and we talked so much about you he's lost without you boy. just like the rest of us there's a link missing in our chain boy and that's you. this was taken advantage of but i don't need to tell you that you know . Since we lost you the fox's have never been back night time I've seen them during the day ,you would always laugh when you knew the fox's kept me awake, and i'd say you wouldn't be laughing when you had to get up to go to work . thanks boy for giving me some bit of peace i know you are sending them different times for me but i still get to see them as well. love as always xx mum xx 8.3.1