charmaine white 6th April 2013

The weather today Shane is beautiful it breaks my heart your not here to enjoy it with Luke up river.He's just like you Shane up at the crack of dawn up the river to enjoy the peace and quiet whilst the rest of us sleep. He knows your up there with him and I know you will be looking over him. When he came back from fishing on the first day of the fishing season he was so excited and happy it was so uplifting to see.He lost a 3lb salmon peel after a good fight,he reckoned it was you teaching him a lesson because he didn't do something you had always told him to do, lets just say he will always do what you told him in future bless him , bless you Shane for helping to make the kids real people to be proud of. Swim with the fishies boy ,be free be happy.Love you so much xx mum xx